Swapan Darshan Registration Form

Swapan Darshan a Source of Perennial Joy and Auspiciousness! We invite you to participate in this year’s Swapan Darshan at Siddhachalam.

  • Please provide the necessary information to register for the event that you would like to participate in.
  • Nakhro for Swapans – Sunday, September 1, 2024

    (more than one family can participate for each Swapan)

    • Laxmi Swapan and Palna: boli starts at $2,001 per family
    • Surya/Chandra/Lion/Bull/Ratna/Elephant: Each Swapan is $1001 per family
    • All others: Each Swapan is $501 per family.
    • Swapan availability may be limited. To reserve your Swapan, please email us at events@siddhachalam.org or call us at (908) 362-9793

  • Please select below Swapans that you would like to participate in. Once you complete the registration, relevant participation information will be sent to you via email as a confirmation.